Saturday, July 21, 2012

Plenty To Spare?

2 Chronicles 31:10 "Ever since the people started bringing contributions to the LORD’s temple we’ve had enough to eat with plenty to spare. The LORD has definitely blessed his people! There’s a lot left over."

In this economy how many do you hear say the words, "There's plenty to spare?" In the house? In the business? Hezekiah had invited the people of the Lord back to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. You might say, "What is the Passover?"

The night before Israel was released from bondage in Egypt, God told Moses to present their best lamb and to offer it to the Lord. They were to roast the lamb and take the blood and place it over the door post. When the death angle moved in to destroy the first born, if and when he saw the blood he would pass over them.

Hezekiah brought back the Passover even thou there were not enough priest qualified and ready to offer up the sacrifices. He then ordered the people to provide the best of their lamb, their grain, their new wine, their oil and honey, and the best of their crops.

When the people obeyed the king's words, something incredible took place. Here is what verse ten says, "Ever since the people started bringing contributions to the Lord's temple we've had enough to eat with plenty to spare."

God sees it when we bring to him the first part. It moves the heart of God when He is first in our lives. It's easy to make our wants and whims first. Some are tempted to place their job, their family, and their desires for the finer things of life. "I've got to have that Samsung Led flat screen, the new Prius, the new BCBG hand bag, my new toy." Somehow the Lord gets squeezed out of the equation. Is He really first?

There is nothing wrong with having the toys, even a nice a boat or a nice car, that is if you can afford it. Sometimes I think our eyes are bigger than our bank account. It's just God demands to be the first priority and number one in our lives.

I have learned if I keep Him first with everything I do with my life, then there will be more than enough leftover. There will be plenty to spare. David said, "I've never seen the righteous forsaken or His seed begging for bread."

Is there plenty in your house? Is there more than enough? Are you seeing the evidence of putting God first? If not, start today by setting aside the best of your increase and presenting it to the Lord. The next opportunity you have, take it to the house of the Lord as true evidence that He is number one in your life.

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