Monday, October 1, 2012

Which Window Are You Looking Through? (1)

Have you ever ask the Lord, "Why?" Things do happen in life that will cause you to pause and say, "Lord what's up with this?" You lose your spouse; your kid rebels and ends up in prison. The x-rays come back with a negative report; you lose your business you have worked so hard for. It's real easy to look through a window of why? This window will drain the life out of you.

If there's anybody who could have stared through the window of why, it was a man named Job. This man feared God and walked in integrity.
Satan said, "The only reason Job serves you is because you have blessed him." God said. "Not so." Job went through some of the greatest pain and sorrow and lost that anyone has ever experienced. He lost his kids, his wealth, his health, and even his friends falsely accused him of some hidden sin.

He could have easily stared through the window of why. This window is foggy, cloudy, and hard to see through. You can't see a whole lot on the other side of this window. It will leave you empty, disoriented, discombobulated with your journey with life. Without vision people will perish.

In their pain, Job's wife said, "Just curse God and die." Instead Job decides to look through another window. He says to his wife, "Yet the Lord slay me I will still trust in him." He had chosen to look through the window of God's word. If your going to get very far in this journey it will require us to walk by faith and not by sight.

Nowhere does it say in the word that all of life's episodes are going to make sense. Nothing made sense for Job, but he still chose to bless the Lord in his pain. There is a window of looking into Gods word that says, "regardless of what things look like, I will still believe, I'll trust in my redeemer. His word declares, "When you walk through the waters, I will be with thee."

We all choose wither to look into that window that builds our faith or through a window that sucks all the energy of faith from our hearts. I don't know why bad things happen to good people, but I still believe that all things work together for the good to them who love the Lord. There is a window that states, "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit."

Choose to look through the window of His word, and watch God turn things around for you as he did Job. In the end, God gave him twice what he had before. Better was his end because he chose to look through the window that gave him destiny. What window have you chosen to look through? Choose the window that brings life and peace and courage for the journey.

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