Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Love Regardless? (1)

Have you ever gotten frustrated and agitated with the friend your trying to reach for God? Jesus says to love your neighbor as yourself. Another words go ahead and love them regardless. Love them anyway.

Who are you trying to reach? Do you ever invite your friend, your co-worker, your next-door neighbor to church? Barna research states that 90% would come to church if only they were ask. The problem is only 21% of the active church members ever invite people to church.

Can you imagine what would happen if more than 1 out of 5 active church members would truly love their neighbor? We wonder why there are not as many people being saved in our altars at church? How many more would come to the Lord if the church would catch a fire in they're heart to win the lost? I think there are several simple things than hinder each of us in our witness. 


None of us like rejection. My wife and I like to watch American Idol. Even if they can't sing, you've got to give them credit to have courage to hear the rejection from either the old Simon or the new judging panel.

Many of us have been rejected for sharing our faith. Friend it comes with the territory. Think about the 10/10/80 rule. I read recently where 10% of people will like you. They like your face, your voice, your smile. Even if you were to streak through your neighborhood, they would just say, Bless him Lord, he is just having a bad day.Then there is the other 10% who don't like you. They don't like your face, your voice, no streaking; they don't even like the clothes you wear.

Then there is the other 80% that will wait to see who you really are. They will watch your faith, your courage, your peace, and your integrity. These are the people that you can influence with your life.

The problem is we allow the rejection of a few folks to hinder us from going forward with our witness and courage to present Jesus to those who are in darkness. Jesus said if they don't receive you, shake the dust off your feet and move on. 

Quit worrying about those who will reject you and your faith. None of us can save anybody. Only Jesus resurrection power can change a life. We are called to love them regardless of their ethnicity, their being democrat, republican or independent, right wing, left wing, no wing.

Stand up today and be not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. We are to love those that God has placed in our circle and care. Some will plant, some will water but God gives the increase.

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