Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Blueprint

Have you ever seen a home built without a blueprint? Can you image the confusion and mess that would come about to the owners, the contractor, and the sub-contractors without one? The question is why do people try to build their lives without a master blueprint for their lives? I'm talking about the master blueprint, the living Word of God.

Some might say, Is there any value in reading God's Word each day? Does anything really happen to a man that makes daily deposits into his heart and mind? Is there any known success or fruit for those who obey and meditate each day in his word?

According to Christianity Today and Zondervan in 2006, 95% of all U.S. people who label themselves as Christians have a bible in their home. Active Christians have an average of six bibles. 25 % of active Christians bought a new bible in the past 12 months, 57 % of respondents say they have read the bible, and 63% of professing Christians make this claim compared with 98 % of active Christians. However, only 18 % of respondents read their Bibles daily, 19% 2-3 times a week, and 39% once a month. Among active Christians, 35 % read their Bible daily, 28 % 2-3 times a week, and 37% once a week. Christianity Today 04/09

Why did Jesus say, "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God?" If you read on, Jesus himself was blasted with an undertow of temptations by Satan to drown and destroy our Lord and Savior in sin.

When I was 8 years old, my father moved our family to Florida. In my first trip to the beach, my dad taught my sister and I some important factors before we ever went swimming in the ocean. He said, " If you ever get caught up in a undertow that pulls you further and further out over your head, swim to the left or to the right to get out from the undertow."

One day it happen just like he said, the rush and the powers of the waters took me further and further away from the shore. I attempted to swim against the powerful current but I didn't have the power to swim against the waters back to the shore. So I swam parallel to the shore and got out of the undertow, and then was able to swim back safely to the shoreline.

It was dad's words that saved my life. Had I not known what to do, I would have lost my life and died at a young age. Today there is a heavy undertow of deception that comes from Satan to pull you under and away from the shoreline of God's plan for your life. God's words will direct you back safely to His perfect design and purpose for your life.

God's word is your blueprint to follow in order for God to build something beautiful of your life. Choose everyday to make deposits of God's word into your life, so it will give protection, provision, peace, power and purpose to go the distance in your life.

David said;; "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee. Jesus safely overcame the enemy's temptations and won victory over sin, because each day He took time to follow His father's blueprint, to hear the Word that proceeds out of the mouth of His father. He will do the same for you to win the battle over deception and sin. 

Regardless of the undertows and currents of the enemy, His word gives us power to resist the entrapments of hell and to build a life of success. The grass withers the flowers fades but the word of God stands forever.

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