Monday, March 2, 2015

“The Ship That Could Not SINK?”

A dad heading out on a trip or vacation with his family most of the time heads off with a bank of emotions to have fun, creating healthy memories and bonds with those he loves. At the same time he assumes many responsibilities in getting his crew or family safely to their destination. Is there planning, headaches, frustrations, cost factors and time off work for the journey? “YES”
I can’t imagine the emotions that must have gone through the Sea Captain of the Titanic, Captain Edward Smith. Was he eager, excited, energized with a rush since it was the first voyage of the new ship? I’m certain there were many apprehensions in his journey across the Atlantic Ocean, with 2224 passengers aboard. He never dreamed that this journey would be disastrous. In Southampton, Sylvia Caldwell asked a porter if the ship was really unsinkable. He said something like "Yes, mum, God Himself could not sink this ship." It’s heart wrenching that 1517 drowned after hitting an iceberg in the frozen waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Each pastor who truly loves people leads with joy and excitement in seeing lives changed and transformed, But he also carries the weight and emotions of the responsibility of helping people get to their destination. Similar to a pilot of a 747, the captain of a ship, or the conductor of a railroad, every company knows its significance. There is a “Weight on their Shoulders” to help people to their destiny. Pastors know the destination is for all of eternity.

None of us really know what was going through the mind of Edward Smith as he saw the waters rushing in over his ship. Maybe, “What could I have done differently?” “Why didn’t I have more lifeboats on my ship?” (It was designed for 68 lifeboats) and “Why did I leave the dock with only 20 lifeboats on the ship?”

Every church ought to realize that Jesus is the Captain of the Church, but He places leaders over his people to protect, promote growth and health in their spiritual well being. Any Pastor or under-shepherd looking over his sheep is always on the outlook for their safety, security and well-being.

Why don’t you say a prayer today for your pastor and support him in every way you can in his heart to lead, care, love, and shepherd the people that God has placed in his care. No pastor wants to see anybody in his care go astray, be defeated or destroyed. “Know the state of thy flocks and look well to thy herds.” (Proverbs 27:23)

Will you be a partner with your pastor in loving and caring for those with whom you worship the Lord? Allow God to use you today in making a HUGE difference in one of God’s children; He has a plan and purpose for their life.”The thief comes to steal, kill and to destroy, but I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Be an instrument in adding LIFE to someone today so they may safely reach their destination.

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