Sunday, May 31, 2015

Driven "God Has BIG PLANS For You."

“They that go down to the sea to do business in deep waters will see the wonders of God.” (Ps 107:23) I love to go deep sea fishing. When I fish in the Florida lakes, I pretty much know that I’m limited to fish that don’t require a large rod and reel. But when I go to the ocean, I’m excited, knowing that there’s no telling how big a fish I might pull out of the sea that day.

Why would any of us expect anything less than God’s Biggest and Best for our lives? You say, “Danny, “You don’t know about my setbacks, my disappointments, mistakes and my fears.” But have you ever realized just how Big and how Much the Heavenly Father loves you. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on a cross for your sins so you could have the Biggest and the Best creative plan for your life.
God is Bigger than your Setbacks. I read about a police officer who was responding to a 911 call, Eder Loor, 28 was stabbed in the face, neck, and the brain. The New York Times reported that the knife’s three–inch blade was just one millimeter from what controls his motor functions, vision, the nerve that gives sensation to the face and a major artery. Hell made an attempt to stop his destiny, but God was bigger than all those weapons against him. God is big enough to bring you into your destiny in spite of hell’s plots.
When Jesus was in Capernaum, four tenacious men decided to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus. When they got close, these friends ran into a major setback. The crowd was so large that the house was full. Not giving up, they chose to climb up and take the roof off to get to Jesus. Good thing they did, because Jesus saw their faith and the man walked out on his own two feet. The crowd said, “We've never seen anything like this before." (Mark 2:12)
God is Bigger than your Disappointments.  Tell me who hasn’t experienced their own share of disappointments. But that’s not a reason to doubt and disbelieve that God doesn’t have a greater plan than your situation. God entrusts ordinary people with extraordinary tasks so that He might demonstrate His power through us. Does the task fit you perfectly? Cast it aside for a better challenge. God always calls us to something greater than ourselves. Allow God to turn your disappointments into divine appointments.
God is Bigger than your Mistakes, You say, “Well Danny, God couldn’t use me, I have made too many blunders;” Hmmm, “Then how did God use Abram who got ahead of God and took Hagar to have Ishmael instead of God’s planned son Isaac? He later became the father of a great nation, Israel. How did God use Moses who got impatient and murdered an Egyptian solider instead of waiting for God’s timing? Later God used him to see Israel delivered out of Egypt.
God is Bigger than your Fears.   I heard a story about a man named Nick. He was a big, strong and tough man. He worked at the railroad yards for many years. But Nick was a chronic worrier. He was always fearing the worst might happen. One summer day, the crew was told that they could leave an hour early. Nick was out working in one of the refrigerated boxcars when somehow he accidentally got locked inside. He didn't have a cell phone and everybody was gone. When he realized he was trapped in that car, he began to panic. He started screaming at the top of his lungs. He guessed that the temperature was well below freezing. He thought, "If I don't get out of here, I could freeze to death. The more he thought about it, the colder he got. Shivering almost uncontrollably, he found a piece of cardboard in that boxcar. He wrote a note that said, "So cold. Body getting numb. These may be my last words." The temperature in that car where he froze to death was 61 degrees. Nick froze to death because he was convinced in his thinking that he was in a freezing car. The thing he feared came upon him. Choose today to see God’s Best and Biggest PLANS for your life. He will not fail you. “PRESS ON.”

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