Sunday, May 17, 2015

Driven To Our Destiny

I think all of us have known people who ran on empty when it came to being driven. Have you ever gotten behind a slow poke on the highway? It can be very frustrating getting around slow pokes. Most of us realize you can get a ticket for driving too slow on the highway.

I heard about a policeman who pulled over two elderly women and asked the driver why she was driving so slow? “Maam, do you understand what that sign means on the highway?” The elderly lady said, “Well, that sign “35” means the speed limit.” The officer said, “No maam that is the State road you are driving on.” She responded, “Thank you officer.” As she drove away she said to her friend, “I’m sure glad he didn’t see us when we were on State road 95.”

Have you ever thought about what’s driving you toward your destiny? When a baseball player hits the ball out of the batter’s box, it’s important that he move quickly out of the box to reach first base. If he lags or takes his sweet time, he will be thrown out at first base. There are several issues that are important in moving toward our destiny. Are you allowing your flesh or the Holy Spirit to move you toward your destiny?

FEAR will get in the way and throw you out at “first base”. It has hindered believers for years from using their gifts, abilities, talents and giving of their treasures to the Lord. Fear kept Israel’s 2 million people out of the Promise Land when God had opened the door for them to go in. Has fear crept in and slowed you down from God’s path and destiny?

Selfishness will also hinder you from being driven by the Spirit. The flesh cries out daily, “Feed me, me, me and more of me.” “He that lives by the flesh shall also die.” Dreams that God’s plan for your life will die unless you crucify the flesh and live by the Sprit. Paul said, “I must crucify the flesh daily.” Here is a man who was caught up into the 3rd heaven and saw things not permitted to be uttered, but yet he himself had to crucify his flesh.

DOUBT is the cousin of fear. Peter was walking where he had never walked before, on top of the water. When he looked at the boisterous winds and waves, he began to sink and said, “Save me Jesus.” Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt Me?” Have we allowed doubt to hinder us from our stepping into that new job, ministry, marriage, tithing, or the challenge that seems insurmountable?

UNFORGIVENESS will also hinder you from your destiny. Most of us have been tested in releasing someone who did something that deeply crushed us. Some are still holding on to things that were done 10, 15, 20 years ago. It’s a choice to let it go. You can continue to drink the bitter waters of Marah or you can choose like Moses to cut down a tree and watch the waters become sweet. You do that by looking to the wooden cross that makes the bitter waters sweet. God says, “All things work together for good.” It takes a choice to believe that.

So would you be labeled as a “slow poke?” It took Noah a 120 years to build a boat, but I wouldn’t call him a slow poke. He was one who just steadily kept swinging away everyday toward his destiny. That steadiness is what not only saved him but all his family. It’s better to Be Driven.

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