Sunday, May 3, 2015


Have you ever gone to the mall, sat on a bench and just watched people? It’s intriguing to see people on a search for things like an iPhone, watch, shoes, TV, or clothes that may one day end up in a thrift store, garage sale or maybe just in a trash can. Where is it all going to end up? More important than things, where is your life heading? Many people leave it up to speculation, while some discover it can be found with Revelation.

Is there really a God in the heavens who can direct and lead our path in life? I once heard about a little girl who asked her mommy, “Where do babies come from?” She said, “In the beginning God made Adam and Eve and God blessed them with babies.” The little girl then went to her dad and asked the same question. He said, “In the beginning there were monkeys and then we evolved into humans.” She went back to mommy and said, “Mom, I’m really confused by what daddy told me.” Mom responded to her, “That’s real simple.” “You see Dad told you about his side of the family, but I told you about my side of the family!”

Friend, if you don’t start with The Creator, “Jehovah God”, you will never truly understand your PURPOSE in life. It’s our one act of obedience toward God that leads us to our next step of opportunity. God does have a divine destiny for our lives.

I don’t know where I would be today without taking my first step to God. That one step brought me Salvation, being filled with The Holy Spirit, a call to full-time ministry, my wife; and the location where I live and minister. It’s where the blessings and favor of God come from on my life. All it takes is our one act of obedience in the right direction and we can be the recipients of God’s opportunities and destiny for our lives.

God says in Genesis 1:1-4 “The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.  And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then He separated the light from the darkness.”

Before I found Christ, my life was without form; empty and darkness filled my heart. But when I listened and responded to the Holy Spirit who hovered over me, He filled my life with light. Yes, the Light turned on and I realized I wasn’t here by accident, but I’m destined and designed by God’s plan and purpose. He’s not only the architect of the world but He is the designer of our lives.

What’s driving your life today? We all make choices! Is it fear, guilt, pride, lust, greed, jealousy or the power to succeed in this world? Lucifer was driven with pride. He said, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:14) Satan’s act of disobedience is what got him booted out of heaven along with 1/3 of the angels. Why don’t you respond to the Holy Spirit hovering over you today, and watch His Light give you purpose? Then Life will be more simple, focused, energetic and meaningful! Ask Him right now to take the wheel of your life; and YES, new joy, peace and power will fill your steps!

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