Saturday, May 9, 2015

Driven Moms

If a stay-at-home mom was ever handed a “pink slip,” dad would have to hire a nanny, a driver, a cook, a janitor, a psychologist, a laundry-machine operator, and a myriad of other professionals for the odd jobs moms do on a daily basis. calculated that after all the various duties are added up, stay-at-home moms put in 94.7 hours in a typical workweek; and it would cost $112,962 a year to replace her! For working moms, the extra 57.9 hours a week of work they put in is worth $66,979.

I was not only blessed with a great mom who had much to do with the formation and development of my life, but I was also blessed with a wife who was incredible with our three kids. She invested so much of her time and energy during their childhood. I am so grateful that she is still involved in each of their lives to this day. Moms do make a difference in their kids’ lives.

Jochebed is a great example of a mom who went all out to prepare her son Moses. God used him to see two million Jews delivered from bondage in Egypt. God also used him to open the Red Sea so Israel could cross over on dry ground. To top it off, Israel saw their enemy, the Egyptian army, drown. Where did it all start? Did Moses’ mom, Jochebed, play any part in his development? “Yes!”  Mom, you as well play a very significant role in your child’s life.

There is so much that Moms do that is easily forgotten from when we were infants. Like the changing of diapers, feedings in the middle of the night, taking a child to the pediatrician, and getting their shots. They can answer to “I’m hungry.” “I’m starving.” “There’s nothing to eat.” “When’s dinner?” “Can I have a snack?” Over and over and over washing clothes, and cleaning the house. They always listen to the overly descriptive drama. They drive here and there and everywhere and back to here and there and everywhere again. They understand the art of playing games, taking them to sports events, school; and should I say more? Are you tired yet?

Moms stay up late, no matter what. They understand that every once in a while it’s okay to say “Yes” to the stuff at the end of the cash register counter. They have the ability to translate two year old talk. They hide chocolate. They are not afraid to dance in the kitchen, sing out loud, spin in circles, play music, and just have fun to music that they loved in high school. They can find the one pencil in the house that works during homework crunch time. They can take a teenage daughter shopping. They understand that slammed doors, (“I hate you,”) times of storming about and certain kids’ stuff are “normal.” They have the ability to find anything that is lost. They can make things work. They believe in their kids and their dreams.

Moms, I’m tired of just writing out a small description of the time you invest into your kids’ lives! You need to know that your time was well spent. Most kids will say with me today, “So much of what we are today is because you gave so much!”

Jochebed probably didn’t realize just how much her protecting, praying, and preparing Moses would change the world of her day. Moms, you’re valuable, and one of the greatest treasures a child could ever have. May God give you GRACE in bringing up your children in the ways of the Lord. Remember, Mom was God’s creation and God’s idea. Aren’t you glad God made Moms?

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