Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fight Back With Praise 1

Have you ever noticed how powerful and potent it is when someone gives you a compliment or a word of praise? When was the last time you told “your wife” how beautiful she looked? Did you get a good response? If not, keep it up! Have you told your husband lately how much you appreciate him being so hard working so you don’t have to worry about putting food on the table? Have you told your kids lately how proud you are of them? Have you told mom or dad how thankful you are that they give so much of their time, work, and sacrifice so you could be blessed? Praise has power to lift someone UP out of their discouragement, doubts and despondency.

Someone once said, “Words are like buttons on an elevator; they either lift you up or take you down.”

It’s interesting that the Word states, “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel” (Ps 22:3) KJV. God is smiling and blessed when we STOP to give Him Thanks and Praise.

There Are Many Benefits In Praising God!

·                     It Changes The Channel In Your Thought Life.

·                     It Changes Your Focus In Where You’re heading.

·                     It Changes God’s Favor on Your life.

·                     It Changes Your Attitude and Altitude In Life.

·                     It Changes Who Desires To Hang Out With You.

          Is There Anything Blocking Your Praise?

·           Are You Upset With God About Your Last Setback?

Job could have been very upset about the loss of his health, wealth, and family, the confidence of his wife, and that of his friends. Job’s wife said, “Just curse God and die.” Job’s friends said, “Just confess your sins and everything will get better.” None of them offered any encouragement. But deep within Job’s heart, he found a way to bow down and worship his God. That’s what would bring him out of his deep despair!  Has God let you down? Have you been disappointed that He didn’t come through the way you had anticipated? When Job chose to worship God and blessed his friends with prayers for them, God gave Job back twice as much as he started with! God is no respecter of persons.

·           Are You Constantly Questioning Your Struggles?

Paul declares, “And we know that all things work together for the good to them who love God and those who are called according to His purpose.” (Rom 8:28) Paul could have easily complained about being beaten and placed in a prison cell. But he and Silas in their midnight hour decided to Praise the Lord. Nobody said that life would be simple and easy. But God is working out a plan that is higher than your ways. As they chose to praise the Lord at midnight, God sent His angelic host and opened the prison doors. Do you need a breakthrough? Do you need for God to show up in your pain and sorrow? Start Praising Him and watch the heavens open up to show Himself strong to you!

Praise can turn the trajectory around for your life and your future. Why are you waiting? Why not start right NOW! “Lord, I praise You for who You are and all You have prepared for my life.”

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