Saturday, November 28, 2015


One day I was launching for the first time with a borrowed boat. Within a few moments, water was rushing into the back of the boat. A man close by commented, “If you don’t find that plug, you’re going to lose that boat.” He knew I was in trouble when I said, “What plug?” Sometimes we get into a situation that is over our heads. What do we do in these moments? Panic, run, hide, and give up? Or do we “Fight Back” to overcome our dilemma?

King Jehoshaphat was in over his head when three mighty nations chose to war against Judah. (2 Chronicles 20) In the natural, those nations clearly outnumbered Judah and would have easily crushed them. But what he did can help each of us in our own troubles today.

He chose to Pray and see what God had to say about this struggle. There are times that all we can do is say, “Lord, HELP!” Are you asking for God’s help in your crisis?

He also chose to Patiently wait for God’s instructions in this crisis. God speaks and declares, “STAND STILL and you shall see the salvation of the Lord.” When you have lost your job, marriage or your money, running isn’t the answer. Jehoshaphat could have said, “Grab your mule and start running for your lives.” The big problem was that they were completely surrounded.

He chose to see a Perspective that couldn’t be seen with the natural eye. In the natural, they were going to be destroyed. But God’s perspective was, “You shall see the salvation of the Lord.” That means that God has the power to deliver you. “Don’t panic, flee or run. I’m bigger than anything you have faced before.”

He chose to work out a Plan that was bigger than his own. Listen, Satan has never yet surprised God with his schemes. God is always thousands of steps ahead of his demise. Trusting God’s plan requires great faith and confidence on our part.

He chose to lead his people in Praises to God. You say, “I have been waiting for my breakthrough, my miracle, and it still hasn’t happened.” God’s word to you is, “Keep fighting back with your Praise.” It declares, “My God’s not dead, He is still alive.” It says, “God knows exactly right where I am, and Satan will be defeated.” Your Praise proclaims, “God’s not finished with His Plans, and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts.” It crescendos, “In the end, we Win.” As they are “PRAISING THE LORD,” the King watches the enemy turn on one another and destroy them.

He chose to see God’s Prosperity. Not only would Judah win in the struggle, God had MORE IN STORE than they could conceive. When the three nations destroyed one another, it took Judah three days to strip off the dead bodies and collect the gold, silver and treasures. Does God see “Something Good” in the making from your trouble? Has the enemy crossed the line in threatening you with fear, torment and doubt? “Fight Back” with God’s Process of Praise. “Between the Promise and the Payoff there is a Process, but without the Process there is no Progress.” Thank God, even though I was in over my head with my boat, God came to my rescue. Learning a better Process keeps boats floating! Check the Plug next time!

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