Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Dead Branch Floating Down The River?

Ephraim boasted," Look, I'm rich! I've made it big! And look how well I've covered my tracks: Not a hint of fraud, not a sigh of sin" Not so fast!  I'm God."I'm going to put you back in tents, as in the old days when you worshiped in the wilderness."

God was saying to Ephraim, your not going to get away with the path of sin that you have chosen.

God didn't create any of us to be a drug addict, a prostitute, a con-artist, a rapist, a murderer, a thief, one lost in the forest. God has a perfect plan for each of us. God is the only one who can show us the way out of the wilderness of confusion and deception.

Where are you heading, where will you end up, where is the end of the road for you? Ephraim has lost her way in her sins and stubbornness.  She is determined that she can get by with her sinful ways and God will just wink at her sins.

Romans declare; "The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." It's a lie out of hell that you have to be a servant to porn, a life to lying and cheating and living in adultery. Jesus came to break us free from the chains that would bind and hold on to us.

It is a deceptive lie that the temptations of this world will bring you the reward that you are looking for. Satan plots and schemes and deceives people from the real fruit of life. God's plan is to bring us joy, peace, direction, contentment, fulfillment. Sin will only lead you to deadness and not life.

Sin will kill your purpose, your peace, and your path to everlasting life. Who wants to be a dead branch floating down the river? God calls us to be "a tree planted by the rivers of water than brings forth fruit in due season." He says; "our leaf will not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."

If you were to take an assessment of your life today, is there any fruit on the branch? Are the limbs dying, or are there signs of life on the tree? You say what are the signs of life? Let me ask you.

Where is your focus? it will lead to your thinking, which leads to your emotions, which leads to your decisions,, which leads to actions, which leads to your habits, which leads to your character which leads to your destiny.

The decisions you are making today will determine if there will be any fruit on the tree in the future. God is for you today, God says; your valuable, your special, your my chosen one, you have been called out of darkness into his marvelous light.

Today allow God to change you! He says; "old things will pass away and all things will become new."

Go ahead; call on God today and new life will start now. John 10:10 "The thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy, but I have come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly."  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you I needed this.I plan on reading it again tomorrow.
    This time of the year is the hardest for me.
