Saturday, January 28, 2012

Can God Change A Deceiver? (2)

Genesis 29::1-35
Jacob has now lived at his uncle's home Laban for seven years. At first sight, he falls in love with one of his daughter's named Rachel. Her father Laban has promised him that after working seven years for him, he would give his blessings for Jacob to marry her.

Seven years have now passed and it's the exciting day to marry his love Rachel. It's not till the next morning; he realizes Laban has tricked him. He hasn't married Rachel, but his other daughter Leah. Laban explains that he can't give away his youngest daughter Rachel, but his firstborn Leah must be given first.

Are their any similarities here? Does it sound familiar? The ole saying, "What goes around comes around." Just like Jacob who had deceived Esau, Laban is deceiving Jacob. Because of his love and passion for Rachel, he ends up working another seven years to take her as his second wife.

When God makes a promise, He is more than able to complete what he promises. God showers his blessings on Jacob. As he works for Laban these fourteen years, it's very obvious that God is blessing Jacob. His cattle is producing more abundantly than Labans.

In all of these blessing's come new adventures for Jacob. God speaks to him to return to his own homeland. There's just one problem. It's been 20 years since he has seen his brother Esau. The last words that echo in his mind were the words of his brother, "the next time I catch up with you, your a dead man."

Has God really change this man? Does he really have faith in the God who has given him each of these blessings? Jacob in faith travels back to his homeland knowing he must face Esau. Even thou he divides all his cattle and children into two groups; God proves to him that He is bigger than the mistakes and blunders of his past.

At-last, Esau and Jacob see one another, and there are no weapons drawn, no swords prepared for action here, but they embrace one another and God is the great healer of all. Yes, God has not only changed Jacob, but the heart of Esau as well. Never give up on what God can do in the worst nightmare in your own family. He is the great healer who can change hearts and change all things for the good. 

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