Friday, January 27, 2012

Put The Big Rocks In First

Matthew 6:24-34
It's so easy to be consumed with the business of life. How am i going to get it all in? How do I keep up with all the meetings, the family, the job, the yard, the kid's basketball league, the homework with the kids, my future education? If your not careful you will spend 80% of your time working with 20% results.

Jesus was also very busy with healing the sick, seeing people delivered from their tormenting heartaches and sorrows and diseases in life. How would he get it all done? How would he keep up with the load, the stress, the pressure, the problems, and the dilemmas of life?

He learned to get all the big rocks in first. Try something, if you were to fill 80% of a small vase with the very tiny small rocks that would represent all the little things that eat up your time and life. Now put in the same vase 20% of big rocks, these represent our time with God in prayer and in the word, our family time, our health, our going to the house of worship. You will notice you can't get as many rocks in the vase. There are priorities that you must schedule, if your going to get them all in.

Many of us spend 80% of our time with the little things, getting 20% results, but if we would schedule the 20% on the most important things to do in life, we could get 80% results.

Peter was looking for the Lord after he had healed many people at his house. Early the next morning, people are coming again. Peter goes out looking for the Lord and says; "where have you been, the people are looking for you?" Jesus didn't allow Peter to set his agenda; Jesus had more important things to do like listening to his father in prayer, than doing what Peter thought he should be doing.

You will never get the better results in if you keep putting in the little things first. Now try again putting the big rocks in the vase first, then next put in the tiny rocks. You will be amazed how you can get the big and the tiny rocks compacted in the same vase.  For a visual video, watch the video of this message.
Jesus gave us a visual on how to do it, he stated; "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and he shall add all these other things to your life." (Matthew 6:33) Will You put the big rocks in first? Will you pull the trigger first?            
"A video of the entire message"

" Will You Pull the Trigger First?"   

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