Saturday, January 21, 2012

Let Us Go To The Other Side (1)

One day as Jesus and his disciples got into a boat, he says; "Let us go to the other side" Jesus knows what's on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Some in life think that things just happen by luck or chance. Never, Jesus is very intentional about where He is taking you and I.

As they are crossing the sea, a great storm of wind comes down on the lake. Waves are coming over the bow of the boat, the guys began to panic,"were going to die" but Jesus is asleep in the boat. There is a perfect picture of having perfect peace in the storm. Jesus is not rattled or shaken by the winds that come against his plan to get to the other side.

The disciples wake Jesus up and say, " were going to die, save us or were all going to drown."

Jesus answered, "Why are you afraid, where is your faith? Jesus is asking a rhetorical question. He knows where their faith is, but he wants them to realize where their own faith is.

It's very easy to get frighten with the winds and waves with our family, our finances, our health, our jobs. Some get overwhelmed with the waves that are coming in their boat. You may say. "Lord I can't handle this, I'm going to die."

Jesus says, "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the World."(1 John 4:4) No weapon formed against you shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17) How are you going to know His power and His might unless you have had a few waves in your boat? How are you going to know His delivering strength unless you can boldly say, "The Lord is my helper?"

"Come on, without a test, you will never have a testimony, without a mess, you won't ever have a miracle, without a sorrow, you won't have any depth to your smile."

In their moment of anxiety, they could only see that Jesus was asleep in their storm, but Jesus was taking them somewhere, and there was no devil in hell that had the power to defeat Him or His disciples in their journey.

Keep Jesus in your boat friend, and you will get to the other side. Do you really think that God has brought you this far and is going to leave you now? Do you really think that God is so busy with other issues that the devil can sneak in a storm upon you without His knowledge?

I don't think so; He is omniscient, which means He is all knowing. He is omnipotent, which means He is all power, He is omnipresent which means He is everywhere all the time. "He that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty."(Psalms 91:1)              

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