Thursday, September 3, 2015


Have you ever been around somebody that everything that came out of their mouth was negative? They say, “The world is going to hell in a handbasket. The government is all up to no good. The IRS are thieves. The economy is worse than it’s ever been.” Those things may or may not be true, but that doesn’t mean that I have to DWELL on those negative thoughts. Tell me, what good is it going to do to dwell on the negative evils of the world without looking for a way to make things better? Truly the darker this world gets, the Church should shine brighter and brighter. Paul says; “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (Phil 4:8 (NLT)

Paul didn’t say fix your thoughts on how bad the government has been to you, or how many setbacks you’re dealing with in your marriage, your job or your finances. That’s not going to make your life brighter and better. God says that we make life BETTER by FIXING our thoughts on the right things.

Ask God everyday how to make things Better in your situation. I believe “GOD THOUGHTS” will help you to control anger, lust, greed, pride or emotions that lead to bad decisions. When Moses gave in to his anger over the way the Egyptians were treating Israel, he killed that man and had to run for his life! He spent the next 40 years overcoming an emotion that got out of hand. Friend, God is bigger than being discouraged, depressed, or despondent about your ordeal. “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 2:5)

Every day deposit God’s Word into your life. During our dating days years ago, Vonnell took a three month trip to England to visit her dad in the military. We both wrote one another every day. After the 2nd month, her letters stopped coming. For 11 days, not one letter came. I kept writing things like, “Are you okay; is there something going on that I should be aware of?” No letters came for 11 days. During this time frame, I began to doubt if she still loved me, or if she still wanted to continue our relationship. Was there still a future for our lives together? All of a sudden, one day, 11 letters came in the mailbox! Wow! Was I ever relieved to realize that the letters had been written all along but something was holding up the letters with the mail system.  Unless you are putting God’s “love letters” into your spirit, you will get discouraged and despondent about the God who is there to love you and encourage you every step of the way.

  • Feed your mind on His Love that will build up your faith, courage and confidence in God.
  • Protect your mind from becoming a “catch all”, things that will only harm your destiny.
  • Renew your mind daily. We are all “leaky saints”; each of us has to be renewed daily.
  • Be accountable to a friend   “Two are better than one.” Give someone permission to help.

God can bring you and me into victory with every thought that attempts to derail us from God’s destiny for our life. Choose today to think BETTER thoughts. Listen, you and I won’t think every thought right every time, but choose today with God’s help to give your mind to Him and process His thoughts that declare, “If God be for you who can be against you?” (Rom 8:31)

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