Sunday, December 6, 2015

“Made For More” 2

I’ve enjoyed coffee for several years, but when my youth pastor, Tim, bought me a grinder. Now that I grind the coffee beans myself, my love for coffee went to a NEW LEVEL! You can’t get the flavor out of the bean until it goes through the “Grinding Process.” Have you gotten upset about God’s grinding process? Then, a lot of us love our coffee in various ways. My dad loves his black, my wife loves her creamer and sweetener additives, and me, personally I love my Truvia, half and half with whip cream on top. For me, coffee was made for more than just plain black!

Did you realize that God has designed you just the way you are, but has MORE IN STORE for your life? Have you DISCOVERED what God has for your own life? Columbus believed there was more beauty and adventure beyond his own location. Man’s theory in his day was, if you go too far beyond the borders of the sea, you would fall off the earth. But something within him said, “I know there’s more out there that I’ve not seen.” He was driven to discover MORE.

God says, “Eye hath not seen, nor has ear heard the things that God has prepared for them that love him.” (1 Cor 2:9) Are you stuck where you are in your journey with God? Have you gotten content, complacent, and satisfied with your growth in God?  Many times we don’t understand the valleys, storms, setbacks and dilemmas we are going through, but we need to realize that God has a process to bring about progress in our lives. God knows how to bring flavor into our lives, beyond bland.

Who needs to see the testimony that will come out of your test? Who is going to see the miracle that comes out of your mess? Who is it that will experience their own deliverance out of your own dilemma? God’s ways are higher than our ways! What’s hindering God’s Progress in your life?

  • Has FEAR hindered God’s Progress? Israel allowed fear to keep them from Progress. The Promise Land was waiting for them. Only Joshua and Caleb used their faith to go in. You cannot defeat giants in your life without believing that God is greater than your setbacks, storms, and struggles.
  • Has DOUBT hindered God’s Progress? Doubt tried to keep me away from going into fulltime ministry and being a pastor in Jacksonville, Florida. God brought many challenging processes to bring about His progress in my life. Quit questioning every step toward your progress! God knows what He’s doing and is the MASTER engineer of your destiny.
  • Has COMPLACENCY hindered God’s Progress? This is where you become unmoved, apathetic, and unconcerned in life. Years ago after an injury in sports, I developed a frozen shoulder. Because of the pain, I refused to use it. It wasn’t till my doctor gave me instructions to stretch beyond my pain that I was able to get my full motion back in my shoulder.
  • Has ANXIETY hindered God’s Progress? Anxieties are part of life. But life is too short to live uptight, flustered, and a bundle of nerves. Break through your uncertainties and be confident that God is for you and has MUCH MORE in store, and that no devil in hell can stop you from God’s design and plan for your life. “Be confident that He will complete what He’s started in your life”

      -Press on through God’s Process and you'll see God’s Progress in your life.-

“Made For More” 1

As a boy, I grew up thinking, “One day, I want to be a professional baseball player.” Playing and being a starting pitcher for my High School brought hope where I might spend my future. But one night in my bedroom, God came to me in a way like I’d never experienced. He spoke to my heart and called me to preach the gospel. Not with an audible voice but way down in my spirit man. What I thought would lead me into the sports arena, God began to declare to me that I was “Made for More” than my thoughts with sports.

Where are you in life? Have you had thoughts that there may be more that God has in store for your life? Satan comes to steal and kill the plans and thoughts that God has ordained for your life. But have you asked, “God, was I Made For MORE”?

What hinders many from “More” is, they focus on where they have been, what they have done and think it’s too late to get where they need to go.

Moses could have easily gotten stuck in the house of Pharaoh. He had it made in the king’s palace. He was Pharaoh’s grandson. Pharaoh’s daughter saved him from the Nile River. He had all the security, provision, power, and stability at his fingertips, but is that what he was Made for?

God had other plans, but God also had a process to get Moses where he needed to be. As he grew up, he noticed all the pain and suffering of Israel. One day in anger, he became fed up with a soldier who was mistreating and beating one of the Hebrews. Moses ended up killing the soldier. He buried him, but someone saw the whole deal. Moses ends up running for his life and ends up on the backside of a desert for forty years.

God always has a PROCESS to get us where we need to go. Most honest people will admit, “There’s no fun in God’s process to bring progress in our life.

Maybe you’re going through your desert season like Moses. Perhaps you’re in your run like David from King Saul. Are you in your own cave experience like Elijah who was ready to die! Possibly you’re in your prison cell like the apostle Paul who questioned: “What good could come from this?” Maybe you’re like Peter who denied Christ three times. Yes, you have made your mistakes, but God IS NOT FINISHED with you. He has not completed the assignment designed for you, nor had he completed His work in these great men of God.

So will you stay on the assembly line that God has ordained for your life?  In spite of your hick-ups, hang ups, and hurts? Will you continue to fertilize the garden He started in your spiritual man? Will you wait for the fruit to blossom, and not give up because there’s only three oranges on the tree this year? That’s all I have on my orange tree at this point, but one day I’m expecting three hundred plus oranges. And in my life, I expect greater things ahead. Because, I was “MADE FOR MORE”.  Friend, so were you.
-Press on through God’s Process and you'll see God's Progress in your life.-

Sunday, November 29, 2015


No matter what pain you are experiencing right now, it could always be worse! Yes, your gut wrenching ordeal could be more severe and painful. What window have you chosen to look out? Jehoshaphat chose to look out a window that would be for “The Best” in his dire and dreadful situation. What do you do when three powerful nations are coming to take your head off? RUN OR FIGHT?

What are your options in your dark despair? You can choose a window to be depressed, despondent, defeated, give up and quit! Or you can say, “NO”, “God has placed within me a will to FIGHT BACK!” That is the RIGHT WINDOW to look through! Refuse to look out the window of losing, quitting and throwing in the towel. Hell will try to convince and persuade you in your despair that you’re finished, you’re done and that there is NO HOPE in sight.

This wise King Jehoshaphat of Judah chose another path to his success. Let’s take a view out the same window that steered him to his success.

Now steering makes a huge difference toward your success. Poor steering has never won a Nascar Race. When the steering wheel is in your hands and you’re the MAIN SOLO one involved, you really can’t blame anybody but yourself, regardless of what somebody may tell you! Over the Thanksgiving holidays, I was riding a four wheeler alone with another family member up ahead. I had just been told, “You should open it up, you can’t flip that machine!” I said, “Really, okay I can do that.”

I had been watching him on his four wheeler and thought, “I can do that too.” It was in my hands what I did with the steering. I chose to take them at their word, but I am to blame for what was about to happen. With the video running, I thought, “I can spin it out like he does.” The next thing I knew, I was flying off the four wheeler through the air. It wasn’t the flying through the air that was so painful, it was that SUDDEN STOP that broke my collar bone and cracked some ribs.

Now who had the steering wheel? It wasn’t my family member, nope it was me! I was the one in control of the throttle and the steering wheel. Friend, you and I hold the key to our own success. We hold the key to our own victory.

You can run, hide and cave in to your fears and despair, or you can move the steering wheel to your own victory. John declares, “Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that overcomes, even our faith.” (1John 5:4) It was Jehoshaphat’s steering of faith and Praise to God that led Judah to their Great Victory in 1Chron 20: 1-25

What window will you look out? Will you choose to steer toward your own Victory? You can turn there NOW and watch God do great things for you. He’s no respecter of persons. “Father, give each of us the determination to FIGHT when all of Hell is coming at us. Your power hasn’t changed. Help each of us as we LOOK and STEER to the author and finisher of our Faith.”

Saturday, November 28, 2015


One day I was launching for the first time with a borrowed boat. Within a few moments, water was rushing into the back of the boat. A man close by commented, “If you don’t find that plug, you’re going to lose that boat.” He knew I was in trouble when I said, “What plug?” Sometimes we get into a situation that is over our heads. What do we do in these moments? Panic, run, hide, and give up? Or do we “Fight Back” to overcome our dilemma?

King Jehoshaphat was in over his head when three mighty nations chose to war against Judah. (2 Chronicles 20) In the natural, those nations clearly outnumbered Judah and would have easily crushed them. But what he did can help each of us in our own troubles today.

He chose to Pray and see what God had to say about this struggle. There are times that all we can do is say, “Lord, HELP!” Are you asking for God’s help in your crisis?

He also chose to Patiently wait for God’s instructions in this crisis. God speaks and declares, “STAND STILL and you shall see the salvation of the Lord.” When you have lost your job, marriage or your money, running isn’t the answer. Jehoshaphat could have said, “Grab your mule and start running for your lives.” The big problem was that they were completely surrounded.

He chose to see a Perspective that couldn’t be seen with the natural eye. In the natural, they were going to be destroyed. But God’s perspective was, “You shall see the salvation of the Lord.” That means that God has the power to deliver you. “Don’t panic, flee or run. I’m bigger than anything you have faced before.”

He chose to work out a Plan that was bigger than his own. Listen, Satan has never yet surprised God with his schemes. God is always thousands of steps ahead of his demise. Trusting God’s plan requires great faith and confidence on our part.

He chose to lead his people in Praises to God. You say, “I have been waiting for my breakthrough, my miracle, and it still hasn’t happened.” God’s word to you is, “Keep fighting back with your Praise.” It declares, “My God’s not dead, He is still alive.” It says, “God knows exactly right where I am, and Satan will be defeated.” Your Praise proclaims, “God’s not finished with His Plans, and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts.” It crescendos, “In the end, we Win.” As they are “PRAISING THE LORD,” the King watches the enemy turn on one another and destroy them.

He chose to see God’s Prosperity. Not only would Judah win in the struggle, God had MORE IN STORE than they could conceive. When the three nations destroyed one another, it took Judah three days to strip off the dead bodies and collect the gold, silver and treasures. Does God see “Something Good” in the making from your trouble? Has the enemy crossed the line in threatening you with fear, torment and doubt? “Fight Back” with God’s Process of Praise. “Between the Promise and the Payoff there is a Process, but without the Process there is no Progress.” Thank God, even though I was in over my head with my boat, God came to my rescue. Learning a better Process keeps boats floating! Check the Plug next time!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Fight Back With Praise 2

   Years ago my brother-in-law Professor Richard Hodges, did a study and experiment on his students at Fletcher High School. His study was about how people deal with Negativity? He brought a student up in front of the class and began to praise them for their intelligence, being bright, cheerful and their good looks. While placing pressure on their upheld arms, the person had no problem with holding steady and strong to the weight. Then he began to put him down with his words. He said, “You sure look bad today, are you sick, do you have fever? What really happen to you when you were born? I’ve noticed that your nose is crooked and you appear to be a real down and outer a loser in life! Within a few moments, the person began to struggle to keep their arms up, and quickly began to lose their strength. What happen? Pessimism changed their performance in keeping their arms up. 

I’m convinced that all of us are going to face negativity in life. At work, in our home, with a snooty neighbor or the waitress that’s having a bad day. How do we combat the erosion of negativity that attempts to affect our joy, peace and our Christian journey with God?

Fight Back With Praise!” David fought back by saying, “I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Ps 34:1) He is challenged with a bear, lion and a giant named Goliath. Twenty one times, King Saul attempted to kill hm. His own dad Jesse didn’t even consider bringing him among his other sons when Samuel ask for them. Samuel stated, I’m about to anoint the next King of Israel.”
              Praise requires Faith
        It Changes your Focus
        It Produces Favor on your life

God says, “Let us lay aside EVERY WEIGHT and the sin that doth so easily besets us.”(Heb 12:1) When the enemy puts you down with his own gloom and doom, Fight Back and Praise your God who is Jehovah Jira your provider, Shalom your peace, Rapha your healer and Nissi who is your Victory.

Has worry, anxiety, stress, fear, doubt and discouragement got your weighed down? God teaches us to Fight Back with PRAISE! King Jehoshaphat of Judah WON against three huge armies who had outnumbered them, but he chose to Stand Still and Praise The Name of his Jehovah. In the battle, the three armies turned on each other and destroyed one another. Then Judah collected treasures off of dead bodies for three days. I wonder what treasure God has in store for you?

Why not lift up your voice right now and declare. “Thank you Jesus that You are for me.” You have said, “Nothing shall be able to pluck you out of MY hands.” “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” Open your mouth today and declare, What God started in my life, He will complete it. Friend, He is for you, and if He is for you, who can be against you!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fight Back With Praise 1

Have you ever noticed how powerful and potent it is when someone gives you a compliment or a word of praise? When was the last time you told “your wife” how beautiful she looked? Did you get a good response? If not, keep it up! Have you told your husband lately how much you appreciate him being so hard working so you don’t have to worry about putting food on the table? Have you told your kids lately how proud you are of them? Have you told mom or dad how thankful you are that they give so much of their time, work, and sacrifice so you could be blessed? Praise has power to lift someone UP out of their discouragement, doubts and despondency.

Someone once said, “Words are like buttons on an elevator; they either lift you up or take you down.”

It’s interesting that the Word states, “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel” (Ps 22:3) KJV. God is smiling and blessed when we STOP to give Him Thanks and Praise.

There Are Many Benefits In Praising God!

·                     It Changes The Channel In Your Thought Life.

·                     It Changes Your Focus In Where You’re heading.

·                     It Changes God’s Favor on Your life.

·                     It Changes Your Attitude and Altitude In Life.

·                     It Changes Who Desires To Hang Out With You.

          Is There Anything Blocking Your Praise?

·           Are You Upset With God About Your Last Setback?

Job could have been very upset about the loss of his health, wealth, and family, the confidence of his wife, and that of his friends. Job’s wife said, “Just curse God and die.” Job’s friends said, “Just confess your sins and everything will get better.” None of them offered any encouragement. But deep within Job’s heart, he found a way to bow down and worship his God. That’s what would bring him out of his deep despair!  Has God let you down? Have you been disappointed that He didn’t come through the way you had anticipated? When Job chose to worship God and blessed his friends with prayers for them, God gave Job back twice as much as he started with! God is no respecter of persons.

·           Are You Constantly Questioning Your Struggles?

Paul declares, “And we know that all things work together for the good to them who love God and those who are called according to His purpose.” (Rom 8:28) Paul could have easily complained about being beaten and placed in a prison cell. But he and Silas in their midnight hour decided to Praise the Lord. Nobody said that life would be simple and easy. But God is working out a plan that is higher than your ways. As they chose to praise the Lord at midnight, God sent His angelic host and opened the prison doors. Do you need a breakthrough? Do you need for God to show up in your pain and sorrow? Start Praising Him and watch the heavens open up to show Himself strong to you!

Praise can turn the trajectory around for your life and your future. Why are you waiting? Why not start right NOW! “Lord, I praise You for who You are and all You have prepared for my life.”

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Pray First "Warfare Prayers"

Prayer is not only Communion with God, it is Confrontation with the enemy. Those PRAYERS are very helpful in spiritual warfare. Forty hours before a recent Isis terrorist group started a carnage killing of 129 people in Paris, our Oceanway Missions Team loaded up on an airplane from Paris to return to Jacksonville, Fl. Satan continues his plots and schemes against God’s creation.

Paul gives a Finishing and Fighting words to the Ephesians.10 A final word: “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 For we[a] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.[b] 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.[c] 17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Eph 6:10-18) Daily we should thank the Lord for our Salvation and declare, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” (Ish 54:17) God warns us to 8 “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.” (1 Peter 5:8-9) ESV

Satan has several weapons that he will FORM against us, but God promises that they are nothing in comparison to the weapons he gives his kids to fight against Satan’s schemes. I must put on the belt of truth. I choose a lifestyle of honesty and integrity. Expose the lies I have believed and show me the truths I need today. Show me where You are working and lead me to it. Give me strength to walk daily with You. I believe that You are powerful against every lie and assault of the enemy. You have good in store for me. Nothing is coming today that can overcome me because You are with me.            

Everyday pray for the Holy Spirit to bring Scriptures to your mind and pray, “I agree to walk in step with You in everything as my spirit communes with You in prayer throughout the day.” Pray this, “Lord Jesus, I confess to You all of my sins this day, yesterday and everyday past. I repent and renounce them, those known and unknown, those of omission and commission, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do. I lay down at Your feet all of the sins of the flesh, the tongue, and of the heart, and all unholy thoughts and actions. Thank You for shedding Your precious blood for me.”

“I stand on Your Word. The enemy is driven out from before me, above me, around me, and below me; from my home, workplace, church and its ministries, children, and loved ones. I declare that he is not able to stand against me and his works are taken captive and destroyed.”

Pray First "To Be A Winner"

The movie “Taken,” shows on underground band of men who steal young beautiful teenage girls to be sold into prostitution. A dad’s daughter (Kim) is taken, but the dad (Bryan) has a sense of duty and unconditional love towards his daughter. He’s a former military expert dealing with dreadful situations. He tells the kidnapper,  “Let my daughter go and I won’t harm you. If you don’t, I will find you and kill you!” It’s a high thriller action movie to say the least!
Why is it that we allow the enemy to TAKE our confidence and faith in dealing with Satan who steals, kills and destroys? The Lord instructs us in How to defeat the kidnapper and come out successfully, victoriously and triumphantly. Without PRAYING FIRST, we lose.
David was a man who learned how to WIN his Battles. He declares, “He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow.” (Ps 18:34) Are there some things that are stripping you of your confidence in “Winning?
A lot of what David learned was from his humble beginnings. He watched and protected his father’s sheep, yet his dad lacked any confidence in David being anointed to be the next King of Israel. When Samuel told Jesse to bring his sons, he leaves David out of the potential possibilities. After Samuel attempts to anoint one of Jesse’s sons, God tells Samuel, “No, no, no, no, no, no.” He asks Jesse, “Do you have another son?” Jesse answers, “Yes.” Samuel declares, “We won’t leave until you bring him here.” When David arrives, Samuel turns the vessel over and the oil runs out and is released upon David to become Israel’s next King.
Regardless of what a man says about your potential, all that matters is what God says and your confidence to do what He calls you to do. Each of us needs to be reminded that anything we do for the Lord doesn’t happen by our own talents, giftings, or resources. “It’s not by might nor by power, but by His Spirit says the Lord.” (Zech 4:6)
David learns to defeat a bear and a lion that threaten his sheep. He would soon learn that God would help him to take down a huge giant among the Philistines. What are you dealing with that has attempted to strip your confidence? Prayer has to be deliberate and intentional. I cannot WIN against the enemy without God’s power that comes from above. David continues to learn, “In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall. (Ps 18:29) NLT
Realize that God didn’t call you to be a LOSER! He didn’t call you to go under or live being intimidated or defeated. He has chosen us to WIN! Later, David was being hunted down by a jealous King Saul. He made 21 attempts to kill him, but David stayed strong realizing that “No weapon formed against him would prosper.”
Later, David would fight again. He came to Ziglag and saw that the enemy had burned their city down and taken all their wives. David asked God, “What should I do now?” God said to David IN PRAYER, “Pursue them, and you shall recover everything that you have lost.”  Yes, David got back everything Satan had TAKEN. Just like in the movie TAKEN, eventually the dad, Bryan overtakes the kidnappers and saves his daughter Kim. There is nothing impossible to HIM who believes. Take back what Hell has stolen from you and live with His favor and God’s Peace.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Pray First! “Are you Being Persistent In Asking?”

In Luke 11, Jesus is teaching His disciples how to Pray. Then he shares a story of a man knocking on a house door AT MIDNIGHT for a loaf of bread. Jesus explains that the man continues to knock on the door with “Great Persistence” after being told, “Go away, my family is already in bed; don’t you realize what time it is?” Jesus says, “But the man “KEPT KNOCKING” until the man inside DELIVERED the bread. Not because it was his friend or because of their relationship, but because of his PERSISTENCE TO KEEP KNOCKING!

Are you being Persistent in ASKING God for the deepest needs of your life? Have you gotten discombobulated and discouraged in asking God for what you have need of?

There are “Too Many Quitters” in our society today. Teenagers who work in the fast food industry, if they make it past the initial few weeks, usually quit within 6-8 months. The turnover rate for the crew in that industry is around 100%, so they expect to lose all their crew every 12 months.  What about policeman, fireman, nurses, pastors? Pastors nationwide leave their church within 3.5 years. Fifty percent of pastors leave their church within 5 years. Seventy percent of pastors leave the ministry in 7 years. Fifty percent of first marriages fail while 60-67% of 2nd marriages quit and 70-73% of 3rd marriages don’t make it. Why is it that so many lack being “PERSISTENT” in this journey?

Is it just by nature itself that people have a propensity to quit? Let me ask, “Why would you quit on ASKING God for the bread that you need?” He is the creator of the universe who is greater than ALL your setbacks, struggles, stress and disappointments in life.

 Jesus said, Keep Asking with Persistence! Have You LOST Your Persistence....

In Praying About Your Dream? What if Abraham would have quit on his dream? Yes, he made a crucial mistake and had a son from Sarah’s handmaiden who gave birth to Ishmael. That brought him a lot of pain, but God said, “Walk before me and be thou perfect.” God was saying, “I still have an Isaac in the making!” What if he had quit on the dream? Where would Israel be in history today? What does God have in the making for you? Are there “loaves of bread” in the kitchens of heaven today? Are you still at Heaven’s door knocking with your request? I’m glad I didn’t give up on the bread that God gave me for an Isaac ministry! He did it “IN HIS TIME.”

In Praying About Your Breakthrough? Nehemiah was told that the walls of Jerusalem had been destroyed and broken down by the enemy. Would he sit down and give up? “No” Listen, Hell is still breaking people apart with hopelessness in their family through drugs, alcohol, porn, sickness and diseases. Have you forgotten that Jesus is still interceding for you in prayer? Nehemiah put a plan into action and rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days. Mark it down, you will always face Resistance to your Persistence. Nehemiah faced hell in getting the job done and so will you and I in doing ALL of God’s Plan.

With A Made Up Mind?  God is no respecter of persons. He reminds you to be “Confident” of this very thing who He that started a good work in you will complete it till the day of Jesus Christ. “Don’t get weary, because in due season you will reap if your faint not.” (Gal 6:9) There is bread in store for you “IF” you’ll “Keep Knocking!”

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Pray First “Are You Asking?”

Several years ago when the Atlanta Braves made the playoff games, I told my 13 year old son Daniel, “Let’s go see our Braves!” The next day, we drove to Atlanta not having any assurance of any tickets for the game. On line, the only tickets left were some far away seats. Daniel was very nervous about not getting in to see our team. As we approached the ticket booth, I could hear ahead of me that the only tickets left were in the “nose bleed” section. As we approached the ticket counter, I ASKED the man, “Can I have the two best tickets you have in the house?” Just about that time, a man came from behind and handed him two tickets. The counter man said, “This must be your lucky day, a family member with the Atlanta Braves just turned in two tickets they’re not using tonight. How does a total of 40.00 sound?” “I said with great enthusiasm, “We’ll take them.”  Daniel was excited beyond words. We ended up sitting right down close to home plate in the Atlanta Braves family section. We were even next to the Atlanta Braves team doctor who had a World Series ring on his hand! There’s something amazing that can happen by just “ASKING”! What are you asking God for today? Are you really asking or have you gotten discouraged?

 Jesus said,Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (Matt 7:7) I wonder how many packages, tickets, and surprises are still sitting in heaven waiting for our earnest request.

A widow woman faced a crisis in 2 Kings 4:3 when her husband died. She went to the prophet Elisha and said, “If I don’t come up with some money to pay my bills, the creditors are going to take my sons as slaves. What should I do?” Elisha said, “Go ask your neighbors for jars; then fill them up with the oil that you have left in your house.” She did just that. She asked her neighbors for their jars. When she took that little bit of oil, she filled ALL of the jars and “THEN” the oil stopped. I wonder what would have happened if she would have asked for MORE Jars. Did she stopped asking too soon? She sold the oil and was able to keep her sons and live in success.


Remove the Clutter! What is it that’s hindering your faith? Doubt, discouragement or delays?

 Remove Condemnation From Your Mind “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to Him, the power[a] of the life-giving Spirit has freed you[b] from the power of sin that leads to death.” (Romans 8:1,2) Quit allowing the devil to condemn you over your past. “His mercies are fresh and new each and every morning. Great is His faithfulness.” Confess your sins and then Change your thoughts and walk in freedom.

 Stay Off The Wrong Frequency. God’s Word is the Right Frequency which says, “If God be for us, who can be against us?”(Rom 8:31) “No weapon formed against you will prosper.” “Nothing shall be able to pluck you out of My hands.”(John 10:28) “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning.”  Putting His Word inside your heart will give you faith and confidence to ASK.

 Remember that God is Greater “If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” (1 John 3:20) Believe today that Christ’s Blood, His Mercy and Grace is greater than all our hiccups, hang-ups and inconsistencies that hell reminds us of. Today, Accept His love and forgiveness and live with confidence and boldness to ask Him daily for all of your needs according to His RICHES in glory by Jesus Christ.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Tabernacle Prayer 2

The Candlestick- The Holy Spirit “It’s not by might, nor by power but by my Holy Spirit says the Lord.” (Zech 4:6) The next piece of furniture in the Tabernacle was a seven-branched golden candlestick. The fire represents the Holy Spirit. Every day you should invite the presence of the Holy Spirit into your life. He is the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might and Knowledge, We should ask God to give us spiritual gifts. (1 Cor 12:8-10)

The Table of Showbread- The Word of God

Success comes through meditating in His Word day and night. A table with twelve loaves of bread represents the importance of reading Gods Word for daily sustenance. Claim His many great promises. Ask for fresh revelation of the Word. Take time to read and mediate on the Word.  Get a Word for the day.

The Altar of Incense- Worship

 “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” (Pro 18:10)

A small altar of “burning incense” stood at the entrance to the Holy of Holies where God’s presence dwelt. The altar represents worship. The people of God literally entered God’s presence worshipping the Names of God, including:

·                     God is My Righteousness

·                     God is My Sanctifier

·                     God is My Healer

·                     God is My Provider

·                     God is My Banner of Victory

·                     God is My Peace

·                     God is My Shepherd

·                     God is Always There

The Ark of The Covenant- Intercession

The final place in the Tabernacle was the place where God’s presence dwelt. It was there that the priest interceded on behalf of the people. In the New Testament, you and I are all called priests and instructed to intercede for others.

Pray for those

·                     In authority- spiritual, civil, family and workplace

·                     My family

·                     My church pastor, small group, members, and vision and mission.

·                     My city, nation, and world

·                     My needs

I’m so personally grateful that somebody stood in the gap and prayed for me during some of my most critical crises in life. God says, “Pray for one another.” It may be your prayers that see your son delivered, your neighbor come to Christ and your family receive a breakthrough.

Why don’t you begin today turning up the fire of God in you by walking through a new model you may have never used before? Watch God do something fresh and new in you, your family, your business or job, your health, personal vision, mission and your assignment in life. Turn it up today and go places you have never been, do things you have never done and become something you’ve never been before.



God's Path to His Presence "Tabernacle Prayer"

Leonard Robinson, a man known for dressing up like Batman and visiting children's hospital in West Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C. was recently killed. He poured his life into bringing joy and happiness into kids who had their own setbacks in their health. He found a path to bringing a smile to somebody with his Batman impersonation, coloring books and glasses. Friend, God bigger than Batman and shows us a path to true joy, happiness and fulfillment.

Have you given thought to “God’s Path” to HIS Presence? Consider getting more passionate, intense, rising higher in not only God’s Plan but His Path in prayer with the Lord? There are several prayer models in God’s word. Jesus taught His disciples “The Lord’s Prayer.” It’s a powerful plan to use in your prayer time with God. He will help you to move from desire alone to a discipline, then onto delight on to what drives your everyday life. So what is this Path about?

Consider with me another model in the Word of God. The Tabernacle was the dwelling place of God where He met His people. As they entered the Tabernacle, they passed through “seven stations” as a protocol or path to God’s presence. Today, these same steps can help us to connect with God and lead us through important elements of prayer.

The Outer Court- Thanksgiving and Praise

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, give thanks to Him and praise His name.” (Ps 100:4) As they came into the tabernacle, they came in with thanksgiving on their lips. Have you ever written down things that you could praise God for? Here is an exercise to help you think of the many ways you can bless the Lord for what He has done for you. Make your own A-Z list of all of God’s blessings on your life.

The Brazen Altar- The Cross of Jesus

“Praise the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits; who forgives us of all our iniquities and heals all our diseases.” In the Old Testament, everyone who had committed sins had to bring an animal sacrifice. Jesus paid for all your sins once and for all. You simply need to receive the benefits of what Jesus did for you. Where would we be without the cross, and the stripes on His back that paid for our healings and so much more.

The Laver- Cleansing and Preparing

The next step in the Tabernacle was a bowl of water where people could wash. We need to daily repent of any known sin. What about your tongue? “Speak good that your days may be blessed.” What about your eyes? See God and the Needs of others. What about the ears? Be sensitive to hear His voice. Your hands? Do good to others. Your feet? Walk in God’s ways.

(To be continued in the next

Friday, October 23, 2015

30 Years Later

It’s hard to believe that 30 years have passed since my wife and our two daughters came to Jacksonville, Florida in 1985. “WOW”, where has the time gone? Since then we’ve added a son, plus God has blessed our three children with their spouses. God has also blessed us with two incredible grandkids with another on the way! David said “MANY,” O Lord are the Blessings you have brought in my life. If I were to add them up, they are more than can be numbered.”

My Salvation and The Call of God on my life. It’s amazing that God still saves and calls men in spite of their hiccups, hang ups, weaknesses and blunders in their life. Anybody who thinks that pastors are God’s perfect creation are setting themselves up for disappointment. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. YES, everybody makes mistakes with their hands but we should all be grateful for a God who’s still working and changing hearts to do things His way.
I’m Thankful for my Wife Who’s by My Side. There’s more stress and pressure on ministers marriages and their family than the average church member realizes. Over the years this shepherd has realized that some sheep bite! “Ouch”, Pastors who survive realize they are just a part of the process in seeing people transformed, mature and grow in their faith. We’re only agents to help someone with the Process who’s on their way to the Promises for their life.
I’m Thankful for my Kids.  Guess what? Pastor’s kids aren’t perfect either. They have to get saved and transformed like anybody else. I’m thankful that all three of my kids love God and have a call on their lives in serving the Lord with their gifts and talents. Some of the happiest times of my life are when we all get to hang out and enjoy the relationship that God has blessed us with.
I’m Thankful for This Church. Pastors who go the distance with their church realize that not even their best members are perfect. We’re ALL on an assembly line that is being put together piece by piece. I’ve seen hundreds come without the “frame” of Christ, but now they are on the journey of becoming more like Christ every day. I’m grateful for those still on the assembly line, allowing God to add to their faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. God says, “The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1: 5-8)
I’m Thankful for The Vision that’s STILL COMING! God says, “Wait for the vision, for it will surely come to pass.”(Hab 2:3) Some will wait, while some will get impatient. I’ve gotten impatient a few times myself. Being patient is just part of the process. I’m standing on the belief that “Between the promises and the payoff there is a process.” No doubt God’s timing is perfect; and I believe when He said that the vision will come to pass, why I would want to leave before I see Him accomplish what He said would come to pass? God says, “If we won’t get weary in well doing, in due season we will reap if we faint not.” (Gal 6:9)
I’m Thankful That The Best is Yet To Come God says, “Eye hath not seen nor has ear heard the things that God has prepared for them that love him.” I love you Vonnell, my kids and all the Church family and friends who continue to hold on to the Promises of God for the Future.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Just how important is it to PRAY FIRST? If I had not made that a priority, I could have easily missed going into full time ministry. When I was at the age of 16, He spoke and called me into ministry. When I was 21 at SEU, God spoke to me, “One day you would go to Jacksonville Florida to pastor a church.” Three months later, God confirmed that identical word to my wife without me conversing the details of that same word to me.

Why would any of us want to place our life into the arena of speculation when we can have revelation from God? God promises us, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will guide thee with my own eye.” He promised us, “I know the plans I have for you, thoughts of peace not of evil to give you an expectant end.” That happens when we PRAY FIRST!

We should pray first in every situation, whether good or bad. Prayer should be our first response, not our last resort. Understanding the necessity of prayer is not enough. In order for it to become a part of our life, it needs to become something we look forward to doing. I’m convinced most people don’t enjoy prayer because they have never been taught how to pray. That’s where this simple prayer journal can help. Using several prayer models out of the bible and having some guide to make prayer more personal, this booklet is designed to bring joy into your time with God.  Once you learn how to pray, prayer can become a part of everyday life. And then....

·                     Before the day begins-

·                     Before you go to bed-

·                     Before you go to work or school-

·                     Before you send that text-

·                     Before you eat, drive or travel-

·                     When bad things happen-

·                     Before bad things happen-

·                     In every situation-PRAY FIRST!

Pray first before the:

·                     Difficulties!

·                     Dreams!

·                     Doubts!

·                     Deception knocks at your door!

When you press in to hear from God to speak His revealed plan, then you can walk into the open doors and live for the God dreams and walk in the power to get through every difficulty that comes your way.

Pastor Danny