Saturday, March 24, 2012

Explore and Expand?

It's always a challenge to explore and to expand into places that you have never been before. In the days of Columbus, the idea that the world was flat was a myth, if you get out there too far you might fall off the edge of the world? That didn't stop Columbus from exploring unto the unknown. He found out is was worth the exploring and expanding into areas of the world he had never been or seen. Some people have allowed fear and intimidation to hinder them from the unknown. Abram was told by God, "Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you."(1) God tells him, "I'll make you a great nation and bless you."(2) Would he explore, would he expand where he had never been before? Heading off to college, fixing to get married, fixing to have your first child, fixing to buy your first home? One of man's greatest enemies is fear. I felt the Lord speak to my heart a few days ago, " Danny this will be a year for you to explore and to expand." What did the Lord mean? What was he talking about? I have always believed that if we would set aside time for God to speak creative words and thoughts into our hearts, you and I could go places we have never been before. The only reason I'm in full-time ministry, pastoring a church in Jacksonville Fl, is because one spoken word from God. Why all the favor and blessings in life? I can't take the credit for where I am, what I'm doing, and the results that have come my way. All I can say is, "the exploration into the unknown has forever changed my life." Abram is about to enter into a new world, all based on his hearing God's direction and blessings over his life. To many of us are to consumed with our own plans and agenda. Friend, carve out time for God to speak to you. It's the New Year, why don't you carve out some scheduled time to wait and listen to what He has to say to you. He has much to say about your future, your family, your ministry, your business, and the vision that He has mapped out for your life? He did for Abram; He is no respecter of persons. Will this be your year to explore and to expand your life?

1 comment:

  1. Amen. This will totally and has been my year to explore and expand my life.
