Thursday, March 1, 2012

Quit Squawking About The Waves

Luke 8:22  “Let us go across to the other side of the lake.” 

Jesus told his disciples to get in the boat, "Were going to the other side of the lake." On the trip across the lake, Jesus decides to take a nap in the boat. As they're crossing the lake a huge storm comes down on the lake and the waves are breaking over into the boat. The disciples became so frightful and fearful they thought the boat was going to sink.

They wake Jesus up and he rebukes the wind and says to them in verse 39 "Be quiet, calm down." Luke 8: 25 He ask them in the storm, "Where is your faith?" The storm your in today is attempting to hinder you from going somewhere in God's plan and design. Many miss the real deal behind the wind and the waves in the storm. Jesus was on a mission to deliver a man that was bound by a devil in next verses.

There never has been anyone yet that God didn't love and couldn't deliver and couldn't get to. Hell was attempting to stop the Lord's mission in getting to the man that was bound by Satan. Do you have a son or a daughter bound by drugs, alcohol, porn, being stubborn in their sin and bondage?

Jesus knows how to get to your boy, your daughter, your dad, your mom, your family member. The storm that came on the lake was a resistance from hell to sink the mission from heaven. I have news for the devil and his attempt to stop God. It won't work. Tell hell, "Your mission to stop God and me won't work." Will see our miracle come to pass.

Get that in your spirit today. God's ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Satan can scheme and plot and plan and work overtime to stop the Lords mission, but it won't work. Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves and there was a calm.

Jesus is greater than any devil out of hell to stop His will for your boy or daughter. Jesus calmed the storm, climbed out of the boat right on time, right on mission and delivered the man from the demons that had tormented his life.

All God is looking for are those who will get in the boat and trust His hand, His direction, His mandate, His mission, His words and His command to go to the other side.

In the name of the Lord, keep moving with His love and His plan, and for the sake of your coming miracle, quit squawking about the wind and the waves. Jesus never said on the mission some water wouldn't get in the boat. As long as He's on board, no devil will sink the mission that He has purposed and planned.                                               

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